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Jewish Resources

On this page:

  • Past High Holiday Sermons
  • Additional Readings
  • Jewish Spiritual Life

Past High Holiday Sermons


5783 2022 Rabbi Shawn Zevit Rosh Hashana Sermon - Judaism and the Long Path Hindsight Insight Foresight

5783-2022 The Call for Reparations Yom Kippur Haftarah - Kohenet Shoshana Bricklin

5782-2021 Rabbinic Intern Sarah Brammer-Shlay Reflects on Rosh Hashanah

5782-2021 Rabbi Shawn discusses the deep meaning and invitation of this SHMITA Year

5782-2021 God, Meaning, and Purpose- The Psycho-Spiritual Dimensions of SHMITA

5782-2021 David Bradley on the Empty Seat of 5782

5782 High Holy Days Booklet

5781 Yom Kippur - Jessie Diamond

5781 Rabbi Shawn Yom Kippur

5781 Rabbi Shawn Rosh Hashanah Excerpts

5781 High Holy Day Member Offerings

5780 High Holy Days Booklet

5780 Rabbi Yael Levy Yom Kippur

5780 Rabbi Yael Levy Sounds of Silence Yom Kippur

5780 Rabbi Shawn Zevit Yom Kippur Sermon

5780 Rabbi Shawn Zevit Rosh Hashanah Sermon HaYom Harat Olam

5780 Rabbi Myriam Klotz Unetanah Tokef

5780 Rabbi Mordechai Liebling Deep Adaptation

5780 - Lance Laver's Remembrance of Joe Brenman

5776 Rabbi Shawn Zevit Yom Kippur

5776 Rabbi Nancy Fuchs Kreimer Kol Nidre Talk

5776 Rabbi Margot Stein Unetaneh Tokef

5776 Eliza Ruder Kol Nidre Talk


Additional Resources


Here is a new resource: Racial Justice and Living Multiple Identities in Jewish Community - A case study w Rabbi Shawn Zevit, David Love, Julia Weekes and Judah Weekes. Click here.

Rabbi Shawn and Ellen Tichenor -A lifetime of Civil Rights and Human Development
Ellen Tichenor, Mishkan Shalom past-president, lifelong activist, organizational development practitioner for 25 years, member of an interracial family for more than 3 decades, peace and women's movements, who has helped many organizations work better and many people bring more of themselves to their work. Click here.

Rabbi Shawn and R Mordechai Liebling  - We welcome a Mishkan founding member, friend and colleague in spiritual activism Rabbi Mordechai Liebling who shares his life journey towards a Jewish spiritually justice centered life. Discussion includes looking at Racism and anti-Jewish prejudice and their intersection, Israel-Palestine, balancing one's own tikkun and that of the world. Click here. 

Rabbi Shawn Zevit and Ali Michaels on whiteness and unconscious bias: Ali Michaels, Director and Co-Founder: Race Institute for K-12 Educators; Co-editor of the bestselling Everyday White People Confront Racial and Social Injustice. Click here.  

Rabbi Shawn and Professor Seth Kreimer, founding Mishkan Shalom member, law professor and constitutional and civil rights scholar discuss his life's journey and work, foundational elements of democracy and how Jewish law and values intersect with these in his experience. Click here

Rabbi Shawn Zevit with Rabbi Julie Greenberg and Billy Linstead Goldsmith discuss environmental justice and sustainability. This conversation is an exploration of ancient earth-based Jewish teachings and contemporary sustainability, Fair Trade and environmental justice teachings that address the interrelationship of economic, environmental, social, political and spiritual factors. Click here. 

Mike Weilbacher hosting, "Saving the Ark: Religion and the Environment" with Rabbi Shawn Zevit and other religious leadersClick here.

Rabbi Shawn and Graciela Slesaransky-Poe discuss growing up as a Jew in Argentina, being part of a multi-racial family and raising multiracial children in these times, and the challenges to us doing the work of anti-racism as a Jewish community. Program being edited. 

Rabbi Shawn and David Love discuss racism and anti-racism, systemic white supremacy and Jewish responses. Click here.

Rabbi Shawn and Eric Brunner discuss growing up in the diversity of NW Philadelphia in the 60s and 70s and current responses and trends in Leadership and Diversity Training and Temple U and the city of Philadelphia. Click here.

Rabbi Shawn and Sarah Katz explore themes of law, multiracial partnership and raising children, individual prejudice and systemic racism and more! Click here.

Rabbi Shawn and writer, activist Anndee Hochman explore Jewish concepts of telling, speaking and communicating stories. Click here

Rabbi Shawn and Rabbi Micah Guerin Weiss- Reconstructing Judaism, Tikkun Olam commission speaking on Jewish approaches to justice. Click here.


Jewish Spiritual Life


Rabbi Shawn discusses the Jewish way in death and mourning with an exploration of ancient and contemporary approaches to and understandings of life and death including the six stages of mourning. Click here.  

Rabbi Shawn and Rabbi Yael discuss the month of Elul and the coming High Holy Days. Click here.

R Shawn discusses  Shmini  Atzeret Simchat Torah-  Exploring the journey from Yom Kippur through Sukkot into the end of the Festival with Shmini Atzeret and Simchat Torah. Includes special "appearance" from Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi. Click here. 

Mishkan Shalom J-Pride LGBTQI Celebration Shabbat- with Rabbi Shawn Zevit and Mishkan Member speakers. Click here.

Sat, March 29 2025 29 Adar 5785