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Mishkan Shalom Congregational School Renewal 2024-2025

A warm welcome to new students and families and a hearty "welcome back" to returning students and families! We are excited to start preparing for a new year of Mishkan's congregational school!

Our school registration form is available below. 

Please register before school starts and feel free to contact Director Holli Goldenberg for more information.

*Early bird discount is available through 5/30/2024 if you register and pay in full or sign up for automatic monthly payments online.*

Remember, for your registration to be complete, you must submit your Membership Renewal Form, using the link that will be sent to you by email, or register as a new member household of Mishkan Shalom, along with your membership deposit. For potential new members we ask that you go through the membership process, starting with a conversation with Holli and Rabbi Shawn.

Prices for Congregational School for 5785 (2024-2025) are as follows:

Class/Grade Fee per Student for 5785 New Households in 5785 (10% discount)
Gan, Aleph, Bet
(K, 1st, 2nd)
$980.00 $882.00
Gimel, Dalet, Hay, Vav
(3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th)
$1,390.00 $1,251.00
$980.00 $882.00

If you are a new family to Mishkan, please contact Holli Goldenberg for the new family discount code.

Parent Information

Child Information
Child 2 Information
Please add information for your next child's registration.
Child 3 Information
Please add information for your next child's registration.
If you have more than three children to register for Congregation School, please contact Daniel at and we can add your additional children to the registration.

Additional Information

Parent Volunteering

Total Tuition Due
Sat, March 8 2025 8 Adar 5785