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Learn to Chant Torah

This course, taught by Cantor David Acker, is a six-week class, being offered on Saturday afternoons from October 26-December 7 from 12:00-1:00pm, right after services. Please note there is no class on November 30 (Thanksgiving weekend).

By the end of six classes, participants will be able to chant at least one complete aliyah, approximately 3 verses in length. Students will have the option to participate as a Torah reader in an upcoming service. An good facility with decoding Hebrew letters and vowels is a prerequisite.

7 Great Reasons to Learn to Chant Torah:

  1. You like puzzles and challenges.
  2. To exercise your mind.
  3. To build community.
  4. To connect to 2000+ year old traditions.
  5. To share in the “joys and oys” of what your B-Mitzvah kid is doing.
  6. It’s a MITZVAH!
  7. It’s FUN! 

Tuition: $120 for Members; $150 for Non-Members

If you are unable to pay the tuition for the class, please contact Maria ( to set up a payment plan or request financial assistance.
The deadline to register and pay in full for this class is Saturday, October 19 (one week before the class begins).
Sat, August 31 2024 27 Av 5784